- (BYE) Be With You Every time
- (SMILE) Sweet Memories In Lip Expressions
- (PEN) Power Enriched in Nib
- (EAT) Energy And Taste
- (DATE) Day And Time Evolution
- (AIM) Ambition In Mind
- (JOKE) Joy Of Kids Entertainment
- (COLD) Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
- (NEWS) North East West South
นอกจากนี้ยังมีอักษรย่อที่ใช้กันในภาษา chat เพื่อให้ง่ายต่อการพิมพ์ อีกหลายคำ เช่น
- ASAP as soon as possible
- LOL laugh out loud (หัวเราะ ดังๆ)
- GTG G2G got to go
- PAW parents are watching
- BRB be right back (เดี๋ยวมา)
- XOXO Hugs & Kisses
- BTW between / by the way
- BFF best friends forever
- GR8 great
- 2g8er together
- WYWH wish you were here
- F2F face to face
- NP no problem
- JK just kidding (ล้อเล่น)
- TTYL talk to you later
- AFAIK as far as I know
- TBC to be confirmed / continued
- TGIF thank god it's Friday